Drug Addiction. By. Buttercup đźŤ€

I am a drug addict,I am not feeling well I need to take my drugs. Life is not always perfect but since Mr. HIV and his big brother Mr. AIDS has taken over my immune system I have become addicted to drugs. I cannot live without taking these drugs. I even start visiting all theContinue reading “Drug Addiction. By. Buttercup đźŤ€”

Providing health care with dignity

The results are in undetectable = untransmissible; it had been for sometime.  Promotion seems necessary, we are still trying to sell PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis)  that is when people at very high risk for HIV take HIV medicines daily to lower their chances of getting infected… And now we have even better outcomes to share; people with undetectableContinue reading “Providing health care with dignity”


We rural women account for a fourth of the world’s total population. We are leaders, with continuous advocacy efforts for equity and equality. We are producers of not just children, but we weed and plough the farm lands and work it effortlessly yielding in the crops and taking home the bread just as any manContinue reading “RURAL HIV”


“Vertical” was originally published in spanish in january 26th 2016 on Roja Vida by L’Orangelis Thomas NegrĂłn, member of ICW’s Chapter of Young Women, Adolescents and Girls, living in the Hispanic Caribbean, Puerto Rico. — This is the first time I write about The Cure for HIV in my blog. I never before had written onContinue reading “Vertical”